Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday morning at Magee

Friday morning was a productive time birding but not so good for photography.
Most of my good shots are of where birds were.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Magee Day Two

Birding overload is setting in.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New for Blayne

Can you find the bird in this picture?

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Day one at Magee
These four pictures were taken using my scope with a camera attached.
It is truly amazing that anyone spotted this sleeping whippoorwill.

This Green Heron was about 100 yards away.

This is what happens when you are a Snowy Egret in your finest breeding plumage with your ass to the wind
Note the yellow feet

This little Red Phase Screech Owl did a real good job of blending as did his mate a Gray Phase just below him out of the picture

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Port Clinton Ohio

This is all of down town Port Clinton where we are straying for 3 days so we can bird watch along Lake Erie. We ate in Charlie's Irish Pub for supper. Anne had salmon and 2 glasses of Chardonnay and I had fried Walleye and 2 glasses of Harp Now we are all set to be at Magee by 7AM tomorrow
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Saturday, May 9, 2009


This has been a very good year for our spring garden. On the left you see Climbing Italian beans and my small patch pf dandelion greens. On the right are the tomatoes and the first planting of lettuce and other assorted greens. The white pipe is new this year. The beds have four timed zones and the water will drip at set times each week.

The second planting of greens caught up with the first. We will get one more picking of spinach today and then it will be replaced with basil.
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